Sex is an important component of human life, especially for men who always strive to be on top. Overexcitation is extremely rare and affects young people during puberty and with the development of the reproductive system passes by itself. However, if an older man repeatedly experiences premature ejaculation or does not have it at all, you should seek the advice of a urologist, as this can signal serious problems.
Description of the problem
Sexual arousal is a natural physiological process and the body's response to stimuli. It is characterized by the appearance of signs that are characteristic of stressful situations. The man's breathing and heart rate speed up, the pupils and blood vessels dilate, there is a sharp jump in blood pressure, the muscular system tenses, the behavior changes.
In the stronger sex, the main sign of sexual arousal is an erection. It is formed under the influence of irritating factors that create nerve impulses in the lumbar spinal cord. Under their influence, the bulbocavernous muscle tenses and the pituitary gland stimulates testosterone synthesis, which increases blood flow to the corpora cavernosa. Together, the described processes contribute to swelling and increase the size of the penis. When the cavernous bodies are significantly filled, the venous vessels are compressed, which prevents blood flow and forms a "riser". So there is an erection in men.
All processes are normalized after ejaculation (ejaculation) - venous outflow is restored, the bulbocavernosus muscle is relaxed. However, if for various reasons there is no "leakage" and the erection continues, the pressure in the corpora cavernosa and testicles does not decrease. Men get over-excited. As a rule, an erection without ejaculation does not lead to such a problem.
Sexual arousal in men is most often associated with age characteristics, psychological barriers and pathological processes of various etiologies.
Age features
Rapid ejaculation, strong arousal are more common in adolescents and are associated with hormonal imbalance. Puberty occurs at this age, so there are often spikes in testosterone levels, leading to increased blood flow to the corpora cavernosa of the penis. With a sharp decrease in the indicators of the male sex hormone, the blood remains in the penis - overexcitation occurs.
Psychological barriers
This reason for overexcitement is faced by representatives of the older half of humanity. Intense lifestyle, frequent stress, family problems occupy the man's thoughts even during foreplay or direct sexual contact. Fixing on the problems leads to a change in the activity of the brain, as a result of which the process of formation and transmission of nerve impulses to ensure erection and ejaculation is disrupted. Against this background, premature ejaculation occurs.
At a young age, among the psychological reasons it is worth noting the fear of first intimacy and inexperience, which can lead to rapid ejaculation.
Often sexual arousal occurs with prolonged abstinence, lack of regular sex life, lust for a woman, desire to please a partner. Often a man finishes quickly after a hard day's work or excessive exercise.
Pathological processes
Overexcitation in men is not always harmless and may be due to:
- Hormonal imbalance.
- prostatitis.
- Genital trauma.
- Injuries to the brain and spinal cord.
- Varicocele.
- Pathologies of the nervous system
- Diseases of the urinary system (urethritis, cystitis, kidney disease of various etiologies).
- Intervertebral hernia.
- Tumor of the pituitary gland.
- vesiculitis.
During sexual arousal, the man faces some discomfort and pain:
- In the scrotum, which is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and redness of the skin;
- In the lower abdomen, which is pulling by nature;
- In the penis;
- At the back of the head.
The man may experience bouts of mild nausea and dizziness due to impaired circulation. In addition, depression, low mood, low resistance to stress are faithful companions of the strong half of humanity with prolonged sexual abstinence.
Prolonged abstinence, frequent erections that do not end in ejaculation, can lead to the development of a more severe clinical picture in men:
- When you touch the testicles, there is a sharp burning pain that spreads to the pelvis and lower abdomen.
- When probing the scrotum, seals of various sizes and nature can be found.
- The size of the testicles changes, their asymmetry is possible.
- Groin pain that worsens when walking or other physical activity.
Pain in the scrotum is dangerous because it leads to an imbalance - the process of sperm synthesis and testosterone production is disrupted. As a result, the hormonal balance is disturbed, which can lead to erection problems and reduced reproductive function - the man may become impotent or face infertility problems.
Why do the testicles hurt when overexcited?
During sexual arousal, men face an unpleasant symptom - pain in the testicles. This symptom can be long-term and short-term, but also of varying intensity.
Scrotum pain in men is a natural physiological process. During sexual arousal in men, irritation of the nerve endings in the head and lumbar spinal cord responsible for erection occurs. As a result of such processes, the flow of testosterone in the blood increases, which leads to vasodilation. Increasing the volume of blood contributes to the filling of the corpora cavernosa of the penis, which leads to its enlargement and increase in size.
In men, with prolonged abstinence, the pelvic vessels become thick, their elasticity decreases, which together with a large amount of blood in the corpora cavernosa, which enters when aroused and compresses the testicular membrane, leads to pain syndrome, which usually disappears after a few hoursafter sexual intercourse with ejaculation.
Another reason why the testicles hurt is a significant amount of ejaculate. The male body is structured in such a way that sperm synthesized by the gonads and semen produced by the prostate and seminal vesicles must leave the body. Otherwise, the male secretion puts pressure on the walls of the testicles, leading to pain in the scrotum, often covering the lower abdomen.
In adolescence, the body struggles with the problem of strong sexual arousal through wet dreams. Boys usually experience involuntary ejaculation between the ages of 14-18 during a night's rest. In adulthood, the male body tries to cope with the overexcitation of premature ejaculation.
What threatens excessive excitement?
Stagnation of secretion, circulatory disorders with frequent erections without ejaculation lead to stagnation in the pelvis, which leads to an increased risk of inflammatory processes. Against this background, the consequences of overexcitation in men can be as follows:
- Erectile dysfunction;
- Hormonal imbalance;
- prostatitis;
- BPH;
- premature ejaculation;
- Varicocele;
- Primary infertility;
- Secondary infertility;
- Urethritis;
- depression.
What to do in case of excitement?
After prolonged arousal sexual intercourse brings relief - the pain in the groin disappears within 3-4 hours. If this does not happen, the man should seek professional advice. The fight against overexcitation begins with diagnosing the cause of a delicate problem.
If rapid ejaculation is the result of a man's long abstinence, natural intercourse or masturbation will help. If you have emotional problems, you should talk to a sexologist and psychologist, who will teach you how to switch from everyday problems and manage your body and emotions.
To look for pathological problems, the urologist andrologist talks to a man and finds out what symptoms accompany overexcitation. After palpation of the scrotum and pelvic organs, examination of the penis. An ultrasound of the male genitals is needed to get a detailed picture. If inflammatory diseases are suspected, it is necessary to undergo a general and bacteriological analysis of urine and blood, which will help identify the cause of the disease and its resistance to antibiotic therapy. If necessary, a man can be sent for additional diagnosis:
- Urine analysis;
- Blood test to test hormone levels;
- X-ray of the pelvic organs, CT or MRI;
- Excretory urography is a computer diagnostic method that is performed after the application of a contrast agent.
After identifying the problem and making a diagnosis, the man is prescribed appropriate treatment.
Medical treatment
In case of dysfunction of the male endocrine glands, hormone therapy is prescribed, which normalizes testosterone levels. Anesthetic injections are prescribed to prolong sexual intercourse. Injections have a cooling effect and are given directly during an erection. Antidepressant tablets are used for complex treatment.
Complex therapy, which includes taking antibacterial or antiviral drugs, painkillers and antispasmodics, as well as immunomodulators and antipyretic drugs, will help men get rid of inflammatory diseases of the genital and urinary tract.
home remedies
At home you can get rid of excitement with the help of traditional medicine, as well as lifestyle changes. Sometimes it is enough for a man to give up bad habits, increase physical activity, eat properly and sleep 8 or more hours a day. As additional methods you can use folk recipes that will help improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, relieve pain, swelling, support the immune system, relax and restore emotional balance.
Decoction of motherwort, wild rose and clock leaves will help relieve overexcitation, which calms the nerves, strengthens the body's defenses and saturates with vitamins and minerals. Clock leaves have antidepressant properties, so using them helps to prolong sexual intercourse. For cooking you need to take 1 tbsp. l. each plant, mix well and pour boiled water. Cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Take 2-3 times a day before meals 50 ml.
Tincture of motherwort, mint and oregano has a calming, analgesic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. Also, this tool will help improve blood circulation, which is necessary for a long erection. To prepare the drug, mix 5 g of each plant and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Wrap the container with the infusion and place in a warm place for 20 minutes. Strain and drink twice a day (morning and evening) 200-250 ml. The duration of therapy is 2 weeks.

The infusion of rapeseed, wild rose and angelica root is rich in vitamins and minerals that are essential for the health of the male reproductive system. Surepka helps to cope with the problems of the reproductive sphere and is used as part of a complex therapy for impotence, infertility, prostatitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system. Rosehip improves immunity, normalizes kidney function, has anti-inflammatory effect. Angelica root has a calming, toning, firming effect. To prepare the drug, you will need to mix herbs in equal proportions, take 20 g and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist for 25 minutes. Drink 1 cup throughout the day.
Overexcitation in men is more often associated with prolonged abstinence. To prevent a problem in the future, a full and regular sex life is needed. If sex does not bring relief and early ejaculation is constant, it is necessary to consult a urologist andrologist, perhaps the reason lies in the pathologies of the urogenital area.